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Fig. 9 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 9

From: Analysis of the expression pattern of the schizophrenia-risk and intellectual disability gene TCF4 in the developing and adult brain suggests a role in development and plasticity of cortical and hippocampal neurons

Fig. 9

Comparison of TCF4 protein expression at different stages of cortical and hippocampal development between Tcf4ex4WT/WT and Tcf4ex4lacZ/WT mice. AD’ Immunostaining using the anti-TCF4 antibody on brain tissue of Tcf4ex4WT/WT and Tcf4exlacZ/WT animals during cortical development and in the adult. EH’ Immunostaining using the anti-TCF4 antibody on brain tissue of Tcf4ex4WT/WT and Tcf4ex4lacZ/WT animals during hippocampus formation and in the adult. Abbreviations: ANE, ammonic neuroepithelium; CP, cortical plate; DG, dentate gyrus; DNE, dentate neuroepithelium; IZ, intermediate zone; MZ, marginal zone; PP, preplate; SP, subplate; SVZ, subventricular zone; VZ, ventricular zone; 1ry, primary matrix; 2ry, secondary matrix; 3ry, tertiary matrix

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