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Fig. 1 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 1

From: Naturally occurring low sociality in female rhesus monkeys: A tractable model for autism or not?

Fig. 1

Predictors of mSRS-R score in N = 87 female rhesus macaques. a Non-social behavior frequency did not significantly predict mSRS-R score. b Dominance rank significantly predicted mSRS-R score, with higher ranking individuals having lower autistic-like trait burden. The least-squares-line is plotted. The mSRS-R score was corrected for each data point for the other factors in the analysis, equivalent to figuring a Least squares mean (LSM) and SE for a categorical variable. Then, for ease of visualization, the data were binned into eight quantiles, and the mean and SE plotted. The continuous nature of both non-social behavior frequency and mSRS-R scores are visualized

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