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Fig. 5 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 5

From: Hyperthermia elevates brain temperature and improves behavioural signs in animal models of autism spectrum disorder

Fig. 5

Effects of WBH and LPS in C57 strain. A Description of the effects of WBH and LPS on the general activity using the open-field test, showing the mean speed (m/s), number of rotations and immobility time (s) for 10 min. B Analyses of WBH and LPS effects on the number of marbles buried within 20 min. C Characterization of the effects of WBH and LPS on social behaviour using the time of sniffing and the frequency of sniffs of a novel mouse in comparison with an inanimate object (ratio mouse:object) for 10 min. Mean ± SEM (RT n = 12; LPS n = 8; WBH n = 12). Repeated measures two-way ANOVA. * vs. RT and # versus WBH by Bonferroni post hoc tests. (RT: room temperature; LPS: intraperitoneally injected LPS, 250 µg/kg; WBH: whole-body hyperthermia)

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