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Fig. 3 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 3

From: Personalized estimates of brain cortical structural variability in individuals with Autism spectrum disorder: the predictor of brain age and neurobiology relevance

Fig. 3

The distribution of average regional contributions to PBSI score in ASDs and NCs and between-group comparisons. a–b Distribution maps of average regional contributions to PBSI score in a ASDs and b NCs. The color bar represents the average value of regional contributions to PBSI score. c Distribution maps of group differences of regional contributions to PBSI score. The color represents the Z values (in comparison to NCs). d The comparison of ADI-R-VER scores between the PRD group and DED group in ASDs with age and sex as covariates. The y-axis represents the ADI-R-VER scores. Abbreviation: ADI-R-VER, the Abnormalities in Communication Verbal scores from the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised evaluation from the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised evaluation; ASD, Autism spectrum disorder; DED, the delayed development group; NC, normal control; PBSI, person-based similarity index; PRD, the premature development group

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