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Fig. 1 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 1

From: SETD5 haploinsufficiency affects mitochondrial compartment in neural cells

Fig. 1

Transcriptional impairment of mitochondrial genes in Setd5+/− NSCs. A Left, scatter plot showing the comparison of gene transcription fold change (by RNA-seq) between Setd5+/− (HET) and control (WT) NSCs cultured at low (5%) and high oxygen (21%) level. Black dots represent mitochondrial genes (belonging to relevant Gene Ontology categories), while gray ones are unrelated genes. Functional enrichment results of differentially regulated genes between HET and WT NSCs in either low (light blue) and high oxygen (blue) condition. Gene Ontology categories related to mitochondrial function and glycolytic pathways are shown. NES, normalized enrichment score. B Heatmap showing mitochondrial-related gene expression in HET (gray) and WT (black) NSCs in either low (light blue) and high oxygen (blue) condition. C Venn diagram showing the overlap between SETD5 target as previously identified (Sessa et al. 2019) and mitochondrial genes. D Density plot for SETD5 ChIP-seq signals on the gene bodies (± 5 Kb) on either all genes (red track), or mitochondrial genes only (blue), or a randomly chosen gene set of the same size (green). E Violin plots showing the comparison between all (red) and mitochondrial genes (blue) of exon number, average gene expression and gene length. The mean value plus/minus the standard deviation is plotted in the violin plot. Statistics, Mann–Whitney test

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