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Fig. 3 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 3

From: Enhanced fear limits behavioral flexibility in Shank2-deficient mice

Fig. 3

Reversal learning is impaired in adult male Shank2-KO mice. A Left, two odor cues, CSRw and CSPn, were paired with 75% reward (water, 6 µl; blue) and 75% strong air puff (100 ms, 3 psi; red), respectively (Task 1). Right, mean licking responses (lick density functions, σ = 100 ms) of WT (left; n = 10) and Shank2-KO (right; n = 10) mice during the last acquisition session. Trials were grouped according to CS and outcome. B Mean delay period anticipatory lick rates in response to CSRw (blue) or CSPn (red) during initial acquisition (three sessions). C The LDI of WT (black) and Shank2-KO (red) mice in each stage (100 trials) during initial acquisition. D Sample reversal learning sessions. Blue and red lines indicate anticipatory licking responses to CSRw→Pn and CSPn→Rw cues, respectively, in a moving average of 25 trials. Gray and black asterisks at the top indicate significantly higher anticipatory licking response to the CSRw→Pn (gray) or CSPn→Rw (black) cue compared to the other cue, in a moving window of 25 trials (p < 0.05, t test). Open triangles indicate the first trial since meeting the cue-outcome contingency reversal criterion. E The number of trials required to exceed the reversal criterion. F The LDI during the first reversal session (moving average of 25 trials). G The LDI during the last 10 trials in F. H, I Relationships between reversal learning performance (ordinate; H, the number of trials needed to reach the reversal criterion; I, LDI during the first reversal session [last 10 trials in F]) and the mean anticipatory lick rate in CSRw trials, that in CSPn trials, their difference, and the LDI during the last acquisition session (abscissa). Gray dashed lines represent least-squares linear fit. Circles indicate individual animal data E, F, H and I. Squares and bar graphs B, C, E and H present the mean across 10 mice. Shading and error bars indicate the SEM across 10 mice A–C, E, G and H. *p < 0.05, t test

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