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Table 1 Outline of core CBT components across the eight-week program

From: Modified CBT for social anxiety and social functioning in young adults with autism spectrum disorder


Approx. time

Core components


5 min

55 min

60 min

30 min

Paced breathing exercise

Orientation to CBT skills group

Social skills training

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

45 min

70 min

30 min

Paced breathing exercise

Homework review

Social anxiety psychoeducation

Avoidance and exposure

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

45 min

60 min

30 min

Paced breathing exercise

Homework review

Social skills training

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

30 min

15 min

70 min

30 min

Paced breathing exercise

Homework review

Psychoeducation: Negative thinking patterns and behavioural experiments

In session behavioural experiment

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

45 min

20 min

35 min

15 min

30 min

Body scan/grounding exercise*

Homework review

Behavioural experiment

Social skills training

Psychoeducation: Selective attention

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

45 min

20 min

50 min

30 min

Body scan/grounding exercise

Homework review

Anxiety surfing

Social skills training

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

45 min

20 min

50 min

30 min

Body scan/grounding exercise

Homework review

Behavioural activation

Social skills training

Homework allocation and Café time (skills practice/exposure)


5 min

45 min

30 min

25 min

15 min

30 min

Body scan/grounding exercise

Homework review

Behavioural experiment

Relapse and response prevention

Group wrap up

Café time (skills practice/exposure)

  1. *Introductory exercise changed from breathing to grounding at week 5 to enable participants to gain mastery of two techniques