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Fig. 6 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 6

From: Neuroligin-2 shapes individual slow waves during slow-wave sleep and the response to sleep deprivation in mice

Fig. 6

Genome-wide gene expression response to SD quantified for the cerebral cortex of WT mice. (A) Hierarchical cluster analysis of DEGs between control and sleep deprived WT mice using Ward’s method. (B) Summary of gene expression outputs, number of DEGs, as well as associated GO enrichment. GO term fold enrichment, percentage of genes from the analyzed cluster related to the specific GO terms, and selected GO term FDR for (C) decreased and (D) increased DEGs. Normalized read counts of DEGs targeted for their association to (E) GABAergic and (F) cholinergic synapses. DEGs include genes with FDR < 0.05

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