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Fig. 5 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 5

From: Neuroligin-2 shapes individual slow waves during slow-wave sleep and the response to sleep deprivation in mice

Fig. 5

Hypersynchronized ECoG events in Nlgn2 KO mice and littermates for BL and SD/recovery recordings. (A) Examples of wake and PS hypersynchronized events with identification criteria. (B) Number of wake (top) and PS (bottom) hypersynchronized events in all genotypes for the light and dark periods (left) of the SD/recovery 24-h recordings. The time courses of event numbers are also shown (right) for KO mice, with time spent in each vigilance state plotted on the right y axes. (C) Density of wake (top) and PS (bottom) hypersynchronized events in all genotypes for the light and dark periods (left) of the SD/recovery 24-h recordings. The time courses of event densities are also shown (right) for KO mice, with time spent in each vigilance state plotted on the right y axes. (D) Time course of wake (top) and PS (bottom) hypersynchronized events in KO mice for the 24 h of BL with time spent in each state plotted on the right y axes. Significant Genotype by Light/dark period interactions were decomposed by planned comparisons and illustrated with lines accompanied by symbols. Significant Genotype effects are represented by symbols alone. Stars (*) indicate significant differences in comparison to HET and WT mice (p < 0.05), and triangles of dots indicate significant light-dark differences (p < 0.05). Dashed backgrounds represent the 6-h SD. Gray backgrounds represent the dark period

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