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Fig. 4 | Molecular Autism

Fig. 4

From: Cortico-basal ganglia white matter microstructure is linked to restricted repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorder

Fig. 4

Slice-level analysis of free-water in white matter tracts with a significant effect of diagnosis. Slice-level analysis of free-water (FW) for the A left hemisphere dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to caudate (DLPFC to Caudate) tract, B right hemisphere DLPFC to caudate tract, C left hemisphere substantia nigra to putamen (SN to putamen) tract, and D left hemisphere globus pallidus externa to subthalamic nucleus (GPe to STN) tract. Group means for ASD (blue) and TD groups (orange) are depicted. The green line indicates slices with significant differences between groups, FDR corrected for multiple comparisons. Slice numbers in the anterior–posterior (Y) plane are in Talairach coordinates

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