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Table 2 Video categorization accuracy for the full sample, youth sample (< 18 years of age), and adult sample (≥ 18 years of age)

From: Social brain activation during mentalizing in a large autism cohort: the Longitudinal European Autism Project

Accuracy (in %)



ME diagnosis

ME age

IA age × diagnosis


81.4 ± 13.4

83.2 ± 13.4

F(1,381) = .383, p = .536

F(1,381)= 20.220,p< .001

F(1,381) = .727, p = .394

ToM video

82.7 ± 20.5

86.2 ± 19.0

F(1,381) = 2.181, p = .141

F(1,381)= 28.377,p< .001

F(1,381) = .097, p = .755

  1. Significant effects printed in bold; ASD autism spectrum disorder, TD typical development, ME main effect, IA interaction effect