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Table 3 Pattern matrix for polychoric PCA after Direct Oblimin rotation (N = 275)

From: Assessing subtypes of restricted and repetitive behaviour using the Adult Repetitive Behaviour Questionnaire-2 in autistic adults

Rotated item loadings:

Component 1

Component 2

Insistence on Sameness (IS)

Repetitive sensory and motor behaviours (RSMB)

1. Arrange



2. Fiddle



3. Spin

− .156


4. Rock



5. Pace



6. Hand/finger



7. Fascination



8. Angles



9. Smell



10. Feel



11. Carry



12. Collect



13. Home


− .140

14. Change


− .115

15. Routine



16. Redoing


− .042

17. TV/music



18. Clothes



19. Food



Percentage of variance explained:



Cronbach’s alpha (α):



Mean inter-item correlation:



  1. Items in italics met the item threshold (>.4) for that component