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Table 2 LEAP twin sample diagnosis, ratings on symptoms and adaptive behavior (N = 106)

From: EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): the autism twin cohort


ASD twinsa

n = 48

Non-ASD twinsb

n = 28

TD twinsc

n = 30

Group comparison p value; effect size

Between differences (post hoc)

SRS-2d mean (SD)

90.3 (27.2)

32.9 (23.9)

30.4 (25.1)

< .001; η2 = .57

a > b, c

ADI-R mean (SD)

 Total score

30.4 (15.0)

7.8 (8.1)

3.8 (4.5)

< .001; η2 = .63

a > b, c

ADOS-2e mean (SD)

5.9 (2.5)

1.9 (1.1)

1.9 (1.6)

<.001; η2 = .53

a > b, c

Intellectual disability %




.010; φ = .29

a > c

Full-scale IQf mean (SD)

92.7 (19.6)

99.0 (14.6)

103.7 (13.0)

.051; η2 = .06

a < c

ADHD symptomsg mean (SD)

22.9 (12.4)

11.3 (11.6)

4.2 (4.6)

< .001; η2 = .37

a > b, c; b > c

VABS-2h mean (SD)

 Adaptive Behavior Composite

72.8 (18.4)

95.6 (17.5)

103.2 (8.9)

< .001; η2 = .41

a < b, c

CIS mean (SD)

 Self reporti

9.7 (6.7)

10.3 (9.3)

6.3 (5.3)

.090; η2 = .05

a > c

 Parent report

14.0 (8.0)

9.3 (8.7)

6.5 (6.8)

<  0.001; η2 = .17

a > b, c

  1. Note. aIn ASD-discordant and concordant pairs
  2. bIn ASD-discordant pairs
  3. cTypically developed pairs
  4. dParent-reported Social Responsiveness Scale-2
  5. eADOS-2 comparison scores
  7. gDSM-5 ADHD rating scale
  8. hVineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-2
  9. iColumbia Impairment Scale