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Table 2 Participant characteristics of ASD subgroups

From: The geometric preference subtype in ASD: identifying a consistent, early-emerging phenomenon through eye tracking


ASD GeoPref subtype

ASD SocPref subtype

t test, corrected p

Cohen’s d

Sex, M/F





Age at eye tracking, months

Mean (SD) [range]

31.2 (9.2) [13.8–47.2]

28.7 (7.2) [16.4–45.4]



MSELa age equivalent scores/true age

 Visual reception

.76 (.17)

.81 (.23)



 Fine motor

.76 (.19)

.82 (.18)



 Receptive language

.46 (.25)

.68 (.26)



 Expressive language

.53 (.26)

.67 (.30)



VABSb standard scores


71.0 (16.0)

81.5 (16.0)



 Daily living

80.9 (15.2)

84.1 (15.3)




77.1 (12.7)

84.8 (14.4)



 Motor skills

84.4 (10.7)

95.7 (15.0)



 Composite score

75.6 (12.7)

84.2 (15.9)



ADOSc module T, 1, or 2


16.7 (3.2)

11.4 (4.1)

< .001



4.2 (2.5)

3.1 (1.7)



 Total score

20.9 (4.4)

14.5 (4.2)

< .001


  1. aMullen Scales of Early Learning
  2. bVineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
  3. cAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
  4. dSocial affect
  5. eRestricted and repetitive behaviors