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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: Social affiliation motives modulate spontaneous learning in Williams syndrome but not in autism


ASD (N = 36)

WS (N = 21)

t test p value

Gender, M, F

34, 2



Chron. age (months): M (SD)

45.53 (11.21)

52.55 (17.22)


MSEL visual reception AE: M (SD)

26.74 (11.37)

29.17 (16.29)


MSEL fine motor AE: M (SD)

25.35 (8.63)

24.83 (10.10)


MSEL receptive lang. AE: M (SD)

20.38 (10.30)

27.67 (14.60)


MSEL expressive lang. AE: M (SD)

23.38 (10.65)

26.61 (13.69)


MSEL visual reception T: M (SD)

30.12 (10.10)

24.13 (7.15)


MSEL fine motor T: M (SD)

28.18 (13.42)

21.86 (3.68)


MSEL receptive lang. T: M (SD)

28.03 (14.41)

25.47 (9.53)


MSEL expressive lang. T: M (SD)

30.27 (15.77)

24.00 (7.24)


MSEL total DQ: M (SD)

62.93 (27.99)

56.44 (16.88)


VABS communication: M (SD)

71.81 (18.98)

70.57 (11.65)


VABS daily living skills: M (SD)

72.59 (27.20)

70.43 (11.43)


VABS socialization: M (SD)

72.50 (14.69)

80.81 (12.53)


VABS motor skills: M (SD)

75.09 (19.32)

68.86 (11.00)


VABS composite: M (SD)

69.81 (19.14)

69.86 (10.08)


ADOS severity score: M (SD)

7.45 (1.88)

  1. ASD autism spectrum disorder, WS Williams syndrome, MSEL Mullen Scales of Early Learning, VABS Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition; ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, AE Age Equivalent, T T score