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Table 1 Clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of patients

From: Complex nature of apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangements in patients with autism spectrum disorder


Initial karyotype


Age at last evaluation


Cognitive level


Birth and early development

Body measures

Dysmorphic features


Brain MRI


46,XY,der(4)t(4;acro p)(p16.3;acro p)dn


4 y

Autism (DISCO)

VIQ 67, PIQ 78, FSIQ 69 (WPPSI-R, 34 mo)

Functional language

Born at 42 wk, W +4.3 SD (gestational diabetes), neonatal hypoglycemia. Normal motor milestones

4 y: W and H +2-3 SD

No dysmorphic features, mild strabismus

Inguinal hernia

Not done




5 y

Autism (ADI-R)

DQ 52 (PEP-R, 40 mo)

1st words 36 mo, no sentences

Born at 38 wk, W –0.6 SD, H –1 SD, OFC mean. Walked at 17 mo

5 y: W –1 SD, H +1 SD, OFC –0.4 SD

No dysmorphic features, slender habitus, long fingers and toes, numerous secondary palmar creases

Frequent otitis, eczema

Small bilateral insular hypersignal suggesting myelinization delay (at 4 y)




4 y

Autism (ADI-R, ADOS)

DQ 13 mo (Brunet Lezine-R, 4 y)


Intrauterine growth retardation, born at 37 wk, W –3.5 SD, H –3.5 SD, OFC –2.5 SD. Delayed motor development, unable to walk at 4 y

42 mo: W, H and OFC –3 SD

Mild dysmorphic features, high forehead, horizontal eyebrows, upslanting palpebral fissures, bulbous nose, smooth philtrum, thin upper lip, posteriorly rotated ears, single palmar crease, bilateral clinodactyly 5th finger

Aggressiveness, anxiety, stereotypies, head banging, bilateral cryptorchidism, axial hypotonia, hyperlaxity

Supratentorial ventricular enlargement, increased subarachnoid spaces (at 18 mo)


46,XY,inv(2)(q14.2q37.3)mat (reported previously [15])


14 y

Autism (ADI-R)

VIQ 46, PIQ 50, FSIQ 46 (WISC-III, 14 y)

1st words 30 mo, 1st sentences 60 mo

Born at 39 wk, W mean, H –0.5 SD, OFC –1.1 SD. Sat at 9 mo, walked at 14 mo

12 y: W +0.5 SD, H –0.5 SD, OFC mean

Mild dysmorphic features, frontal bossing, flattened nasal bridge, deep-set eyes, downslanting palpebral fissures, thin upper lip

Hyperactivity, head banging, anxiety, asthma, insulin-dependent diabetes, growth hormone deficit

Normal (at 3 y)


46,XX,inv(2)(p12q14.1)dn (benign cytogenetic variant)


13 y

Autism (ADI-R)

DQ 30 (PEP-R, 6 y)


Born at 39 wk, W +0.5 SD, H mean, OFC +1.9 SD. Sat at normal age, walked at 22 mo

13 y: W +3.5 SD, H +2 SD, macrocephaly (+4.2 SD)

Mild dysmorphic features, narrow palpebral fissures, short philtrum, large hands and feet, one café-au-lait spot

Stereotypies, self-injurious behavior, sleep disturbance, one episode of febrile seizure at 31 mo, normal EEG

Chiari type I malformation, mild white matter hyperintensities (at 9 y)


46,XX,inv(9)(p11q13)dn (benign cytogenetic variant)


7 y

Autism (ADI-R)

Intellectual disability

Isolated words

Born at term, W +0.5 SD, H +0.9 SD. Walked at 12 mo

7 y 2 mo: W +3.8 SD, H +4.1 SD, OFC +1.7 SD

No dysmorphic features

Precocious puberty at 7 y, bone age 8 y, normal hormone levels, pulmonar stenosis, moderate systolic murmur

Normal (at 7 y)




18 y

Autism (ADI-R)

VIQ 93, PIQ 80, FSIQ 86 (WISC-III, 18 y)

No delay, functional language

Born at 40 wk, mean W, H and OFC. Sat at 9 mo, walked at 20 mo

18 y: W –1.4 SD, H mean, OFC +1.6 SD

No dysmorphic features, mild clubbing

Refraction error

Myelinization delay (at 18 y)




7 y

Autism (ADI-R, ADOS)

VIQ 83, PIQ 80, FSIQ 79 (WPPSI, 5 y 5 mo)

1st words 24 mo, 1st sentences 36 mo, functional language

Born at term, W +1 SD, OFC +0.3 SD. Sat at 7 mo, walked at 11 mo


No dysmorphic features




46,XX,t(X;5)(p11.2;q35.2)dn (reported previously [59])


8 y


PIQ 58 (WISC-R at 8 y)

Non-verbal, uses sign language

Born at term, W +1 SD. Sat at 9 mo, walked at 21 mo

4 y: W and H mean, OFC +1 SD

Mild dysmorphic features, prominent forehead, saddle nose, midface hypoplasia, high arched palate, generalized alopecia with scattered thin hair, umbilical hernia, pectus excavatum

Hypomelanosis of Ito, pigmented lesions on the legs, achromic lesion on the back, hypotonia, hyperlaxity, flat feet, hypermetropia, febrile seizures, absence seizures, abnormal EEG. Skewed X inactivation of the normal chromosome (92%)

Normal (at 6 y)




12 y

Autism (ADI-R)

DQ 20 (PEP-R, 12 y)


Born at 41 wk, W –1.7 SD, H –0.5 SD, OFC –1.1 SD. Sat at 9 mo, walked at 18 mo

12 y: W –1.8 SD, H mean, microcephaly (–3.6 SD)

Dysmorphic features, low forehead, thick eyebrows, long nose, short philtrum, right single transverse palmar crease

Strabismus, epilepsy (onset at 9 mo)

Not done




18 y

Autism (ADI-R)

VIQ 46, PIQ 46, FSIQ 40 (WISC-III, 14 y)

Language delay, 1st phrases 5 y, functional language

Born at term, W +1.3 SD, H +1 SD, OFC +2.1 SD. Sat at 8 mo, walked at 14 mo

18 y: W +3 SD, H mean, OFC +2.3 SD

No dysmorphic features, short neck, brachymetatarsia of 4th and 5th rays

Hyperactivity in childhood, strabismus, hypermetropia

Not done




5 y

Autism (DSM-IV, CARS)

VIQ 79, PIQ 74, FSIQ 77 (Stanford-Binet IV, 3 y 9 mo)

1st words 26 mo, 1st sentences 36 mo, few sentences at 5 y, dysarthric speech

Normal pregnancy, delivery and early development; walked at 13 mo

4 y: W, H and OFC within normal limits

No dysmorphic facial features, long ring finger, brachymesophalangia V, sandal gap

Severe ADHD, pica, self-injurious behavior, partial complex epilepsy (onset at 4 y, currently seizure free on medication), chronic ear infections, chronic diarrhea, food allergies

Not done




22 y


Intellectual disability

Language delay, uses only a few words, answers with signs

Born at term, W –0.8 SD, H –1 SD, OFC –1.1 SD. Sat at 11 mo, walked at 2 y

22 y: W +1.4 SD, H mean, OFC –1 SD

No dysmorphic facial features, bilateral clinodactyly 5th finger, several café au lait spots

Hyperactivity, aggressiveness, inappropriate laughter, hand stereotypies, unilateral strabismus, seizures at 7 mo, no recurrence after stopping treatment

Normal (at 1 y)


46,XX,inv(5)(p13.3q13.3)pat (benign cytogenetic variant)


8 y

Autism (ADI-R)

DQ 55 (PEP-R, 5 y)

1st words 18 mo, 1st sentences before 3 y; echolalic language

Dizygotic twin pregnancy, born at 27 wk, W 880 g. Walked at 18 mo

8 y: W mean, H and OFC +1 SD

No dysmorphic features, long face, flat feet, tuberous angioma scar on scapula

Insensitivity to pain

Non specific white matter hypersignal (at 5 y)


46,X,inv(Y)(p11q11)pat (benign cytogenetic variant)


14 y

Autism (ADI-R)

DQ 15 (PEP-R, 14 y)


Born at 38 wk, W –2.1 SD, H –1.5 SD, OFC –2 SD. Sat at 9 mo, walked at 13 mo

14 y: W +2 SD, H +1 SD, OFC mean

Synophris, abnormal dental implantation (delayed tooth loss)


Normal (at 14 y)




7 y

Autism (ADI-R, ADOS)

PIQ <1st %ile (Raven, 7 y 5 mo)

1st words 36 mo, 1st sentences 48 mo, functional language

Born at term, W –1.2 SD, H +0.5 SD, OFC +0.7 SD. Sat at 20 mo, walked at 36 mo


No dysmorphic features




46,XY,t(4;9)(p13;p23) (not maternal, father not tested)


30 y

Autism (ADI-R, ADOS)

DQ <20 (PEP-R, 16 y)


Born at term, W +0.7 SD, H +1 SD. Feeding difficulties, hypotonia, growth delay (–3 SD). Walked at 4 y

30 y: W –1 SD, H +1.1 SD, OFC –0.5 SD

No dysmorphic features except for enophtalmia, low-set eyebrows, large ears, narrow hands

Hyperactivity, severe sleep disturbance, insensitivity to pain, gastric and esophageal ulcers, abnormal EEG at 1 y (temporal lobe focus), no epilepsy

Not done (encephalography at 6 mo: global ventricular dilatation)


46,XY,t(2;13)(q22;q31) (not maternal, father not tested)


4 y

Autism (ADI-R, ADOS)

IQ <1st %ile (Raven, 4 y 8 mo)


Born post-term at 47 wk, W –0.8 SD, H –0.8 SD, OFC –0.6 SD. Sat at 20 mo, walked at 36 mo

4 y: W and H –0.5 SD, OFC –2 SD

No dysmorphic features, brachyplagiocephaly

ADHD, aggressiveness, anxiety


  1. aPatients from the PARIS cohort; bpatients referred by the network of French cytogeneticists; cASD was not formally evaluated in these two patients. ADHD, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder; ADI-R, Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised; ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; CARS, Childhood Autism Rating Scale; DISCO, Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders; dn, de novo; DQ, developmental quotient; FSIQ, full scale IQ; H, height; IQ, intellectual quotient; mat, maternal; mo, months; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not available; OFC, occipitofrontal circumference; pat, paternal; PEP-R, Psychoeducational Profile Revised; PIQ, performance IQ; SD, standard deviation; VIQ, verbal IQ; W, weight; WISC-III, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, third edition; WISC-R, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised; wk, weeks; WPPSI-R, Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Revised; y, years.