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Table 3 Brief description of the PDD behavior inventory (PDDBI) domains used

From: Rating scale measures are associated with Noldus EthoVision-XT video tracking of behaviors of children on the autism spectrum


Description and characteristics


Approach-Withdrawal Problems Dimension – higher domain T-scores indicate greater severity.


Sensory/Perceptual Approach Behaviors – staring at objects, pica, repetitive toy play, hand flapping, etc.


Ritualisms/Resistance to Change – carrying out rituals or indicating dissatisfaction with a change in the environment or routine.


Arousal Regulation Problems – emotional constriction, hyperactivity, sleeping problems, etc.


Specific Fears – fears and anxieties associated with withdrawal from social or asocial stimuli.


Aggressiveness – aggressiveness toward self or others and associated negative mood states.


A measure of inappropriate social interaction (problems reacting to the approaches of others, understanding social conventions, or initiating social interactions) that corrects for non-vocal social communication skills level (the SOCAPP domain described below).


A measure of problems with the child’s semantic/pragmatic understanding (aberrant vocal quality, echolalia, and perseveration) that corrects for expressive language abilities (the EXPRESS domain).


Receptive/Expressive Social Communication Abilities Dimension – higher domain scores indicate increasing levels of competence.


Social Approach Behaviors – non-vocal social communication skills such as paying attention, joint attention, effective use of gesture, imaginative skills, social play skills, imitation skills, etc.


Expressive Language – ability to speak sounds associated with the English language as well as competence with grammar, tone of voice, and conversational pragmatics.


Learning, Memory, and Receptive Language – memory for locations and movement sequences, understanding possessives, prepositions, adverbs, etc.


Autism Composite – a measure of lack of appropriate social communication skills along with repetitive/ritualistic behaviors.